
It does take a village! When I started my blog a year ago I had NO FOLLOWERS- none- zip- zero, not even my momma read it, eh,hem you get the picture. I was excited if I had one visitor and checked my stats often! Well, since then I have gained close to a thousand followers and I want to say thank you!

Yes, I SAID FREE ADVERTISING FOR YOUR Blog or Book no gimmick :))))

Are you new to our community? Advertise your blog in the comment section below this post.

I have been contemplating for awhile, a way to do something to celebrate my one year anniversary on WordPress, which was this past Saturday. I have gained a lot of faithful followers and I would like to give back and say Thank You. If you have a blog and want to brag about it below or a book that you have published, I want to hear about it. You can even leave a link to it in the comment section. However, if you leave more than one link per post WordPress may mark it as spam so try to limit it to one link. Feel free to comment more than once if you have several links to different books or blogs. I will be compiling a list for a future post and may pick your book or blog to advertise and promote.

If you have read a good book lately and want to share it with us please let us know. I am always looking for a good book to read 🙂

Happy Blogging


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25 responses to “Free Advertising For Your Blog or Book…”

  1. Hmm, could I tempt you to read one of my published books on my blog home page lol 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations on your anniversary and I will take you up on your offer for free advertising. My collections of stories can be found on my blog, “The Convoluted Menagerie” at

    Liked by 1 person

  3. just started a new blog if you want to check it out here’s the link

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for taking advantage of the advertising :))


  4. Its nice for you to give the opportunity to promote their blogs in your space.Congrats and cheers to you on your anniversary here.Just a University documenting her journey through school and sharing her thoughts,laughs,joys in this community at
    Thanks y’all!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are welcome! :))

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Just started one myself as I want to grow some ‘balls’ to write my book and thought blogging might help me do that. Congrats though! X Kayla

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Welcome to our community!! :))


  6. Congratulations on your 1 year blogging anniversary 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I like how you open up a space for a free plug, something everyone could use. I’m not new to the blogosphere but could I still leave a link? It’s a crowd-funding project for my latest novel!


    Liked by 1 person

  8. Wow I’m totally there with you. You were actually my first (and only) “like” so far. So thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Thank you for supporting new bloggers! I just became a blogger a few months ago. I am a new author and I want to share the stories I write, and I also post self publishing advice and articles I’ve found to be useful. I write christian and faith-based poems and stories with the sole purpose of spreading God’s word and explaining to young people what “real faith” and salvation is. My first book, a collection of poems/short stories/riddles is on amazon and B&N:

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Oh, I can so relate to the starting from the bottom experience. I actually just reached the 100 posts milestone recently on my blog and you can imagine my excitement.

    Happy anniversary ma’am and I’ll be celebrating my 2nd year anniversary next month too.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Please check out my new site designed to put all of my important life stuff in one place. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. My blog is it’s really new and I hope some of you will check it out and share it please!!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. You Did It… Welldone that is some following in a year!!

    We would like to take a chance to promote our Review page… and what we do.. so any of you new writers we would like you to help us and we would like to help you!!

    We are looking for new and aspiring writers to review & promote on our page. If you would be interested in this, head over to our blog on wordpress take a peek at some of our reviews.

    If you are stil interested email us and let us know so we can add you into the schedule. Then send a link of your book either before or after its release date.

    We will read & review, you will see from our page we do things a little differently by focusing only on the positives and why you should read it, instead of a recount of what occurs….

    If you prefer to read the review before we publish it just ask, it will be emailed to you before it goes up on the blog… We will then continue to promote the link to your series through our blog and twitter.

    So please let us know if you are interested.

    We are also having a new logo and page designed for us currently so excuse the look of the blog… The new design will go live at the end of next week so watch this space.. and feel free to follow us on twitter @Bestsliceofpie

    The Best Slice of Pie

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Hello, you were one of the first people to like one of my posts and it made me very happy to know at least one person was reading 🙂 I am glad you did as I enjoy reading your posts and may not have found them otherwise.

    Liked by 1 person
