Tag Archives: Vacation

First Pumpkin Latte of the Season!


Having my first pumpkin latte of the season sitting on the shore of Lake Tahoe.

What could be better? This was a great way to great a busy day.

I walked to Syd’s Bagelery & Espresso and sat on the back patio. Such a beautiful morning and magnificent view! Free advertising for the shop and a relaxing morning for me 😉

Sequoia & Yosemite 2022


This year’s vacation consisted of a lot of hiking and shallow breathing. I blamed the altitude, but it may have been undiagnosed asthma! Regardless, I pushed on after several breaks. Yosemite was inspiring and the Sequoia’s did not disappoint with dreaming of seeing them since I was a child. My grandfather when I was younger lived in California and he would drive across the country to the Midwest every year to visit us. On those visits he would bring his old cameras and projectors and show us videos of the coast on our living room wall. As boring as that was to a nine year old, it placed a desire to see the giants of all trees. Standing below the towering reddish-brown pillars and feeling the fibrous bark made me feel inconsequential and important at the same time. God is amazing and shows Himself in all His creation. If you have not seen the Sequoia National Park, please go out west and walk among these living giants.




Are you a planner or person with spontaneity? My husband and I were talking about quick vacation in a few months. I suggested we could catch a flight to California and drive down Highway 1 and just stop along the way- No plans.

My husband being type A, gasped at this suggestion. He argued we would have to plan way-way in advance. A trip like that isn’t something we could just take off and do… To my husband’s credit he does plan us some amazing trips but he starts a year in advance. I thought we could wing this trip 😎. No deal, I’m sure he would break out in hives if I forced him on this trip.

A few days later I received this beautiful picture from a family member who decided to hop on a plane and fly to Madrid, Spain by herself, and then catch a train to Barcelona! #girlpower

Mexico Vacations! Is a carefree vacation….



The Barcelo in the Riviera Maya is a Beautiful Resort if you are looking for a place to take your family.  The staff was friendly and the food was great not to mention the rooms were clean and the maintenance staff was always grooming the landscape.  We have been twice to this resort, once with our boys and once without and I would recommend it to anyone with children.  We packed our own snorkel gear because the ones that the resort offers complimentary to you, you only get to use them for 1 hour a day per guest and that was not enough time for our family.  However, it was plenty of time for me!  My husband and boys love to snorkel and the fish here at this resort are quite colorful and the they have a dock that you can walk out further on to snorkel where more fish are located.  It is an all-inclusive resort so no need to worry about food when the little ones get hungry- all the food is included.  You will need a passport for each family member so make sure you plan a month ahead.

If you have any questions please ask 🙂

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