Monthly Archives: September 2018

First few chapters of Cracked Daisy – Book One!!


Would you like to read the first few chapters of Cracked Daisy – Book One

Click the link and read it for free!

I would love for you to check it out!!!

The edited version will not be in until Oct– so keep this in mind 😎

The book is available on preorder on Amazon until November 1st when it launches Live! 💕💓💕💓

Cracked Daisy Series


😗If you are in Kindle Unlimited you can be the first to read when released for free 😗 😍 Cracked Daisy Series😘😍 Click the link 👆👆🤳

#bookquotes 💋💋💋😍😙! 💋#currentread #amazonbooks #bookclub #bookadventure #fangirl #crackeddaisy



Are you a planner or person with spontaneity? My husband and I were talking about quick vacation in a few months. I suggested we could catch a flight to California and drive down Highway 1 and just stop along the way- No plans.

My husband being type A, gasped at this suggestion. He argued we would have to plan way-way in advance. A trip like that isn’t something we could just take off and do… To my husband’s credit he does plan us some amazing trips but he starts a year in advance. I thought we could wing this trip 😎. No deal, I’m sure he would break out in hives if I forced him on this trip.

A few days later I received this beautiful picture from a family member who decided to hop on a plane and fly to Madrid, Spain by herself, and then catch a train to Barcelona! #girlpower

47 days and counting!


My series goes live on November 1st and as I study keywords, audiences, categories, and algorithms, I can’t help but think how the publishing world has changed since 2012 when I first started out on this road. There are so many more tools for us authors today than just a few years ago.

For those wondering what it takes to be successful – well – I’m not sure but I think I have the formula figured out below.

Formula for successful publishing: Study everything-everywhere, apply what you can, do the work of 8 people, worry you are not doing enough work and need to hire more of you, rewrite your copy, re-edit and second guess every sentence, and then toss it all in a jar, shake vigorously. Set the jar out in the sun hoping a rainbow hits it and grows into a magical unicorn.

Cracked Daisy

Here is your sign


I want a sign the reads:

Gotham —>
Downton Abbey <—

Alantis —>
Depending on my mood