Tag Archives: YouTube

It was nothing and it is still nothing. Think about that!


Gaining More Blog Followers Part 2



Blogger, Blogger, how does your blog grow?

I wanted to take a moment and let you all know, perhaps you already know and I am late to the table on this!   But this YouTube site I found is new for me!  I found an energetic gal giving blogging advice and guess what– She is right on target!  Her name is Alex Beadon and if you haven’t already subscribed to her YouTube Channel then you need to click this link and browse through her work and what she has to offer.  I found her about a month ago and thought I would share her brilliance with my faithful fans.   If you didn’t see the first blog post I wrote on gaining followers you can check it out by clicking the link.  Please let me know what you think and if you have any tips you want to share to gain more blog followers that others can benefit from, we all would appreciate it.

Something that I am going to start research on is HOW TO BLOCK people that harass you or are just creepy, this happens very seldom but it does happen.  WordPress does not make this easy!  When you open yourself up in the internet you need to be aware that not everyone will agree with you and what you write.  What you put out on a media site GOES OUT ALL OVER THE WORLD!  So do not put up anything you think could come back to kick you in the posterior.  I know you know this but it never hurts to be reminded, myself included.

Hope you are having a great week!

Weird Things Couples Do~ where do you fall?


My husband and I could identify with everything in this video! Especially talking to my husband while he is in the shower!! I am sure he can hear me every time, Right??
What do you and your spouse do that may, could possibly, perhaps a little tiny bit annoy your one another?

Researching Scrivener…Do I embrace change or stay with familiarity?




I know it is 2014!  Microsoft Word may be Sooo 1990’s but I know how to use that program and I don’t like change.  Change is one reason why have kept my prom dresses in a tub in my basement- In my mind I can still fit into them becasue I haven’t changed.  I dare you— say I have changed..  I didn’t think so.    With many projects and ideas floating around in the hallways of my mind like high schoolers causing destruction on Senior Prank Day, I need to get them out into the real world.  There has to be an easier way to keep all my writing projects grouped together – so my quest begins.  Or should I say began awhile ago.  I’ve been researching this thing called Scrivener($40) for my writing projects and even with all the reviews out there I am still on the fence.  I found a great video on YouTube by Johnny B. Truant that helped lay out  reasons to switch to Scrivener although I still can’t jump in with both feet.  Amazon has quite a few reviews on it as well that are helpful.  Susan Mallette the creater of the Keep WRITING  wrote a great piece about Scrivener that lays out what you should expect when you start using Scrivener. She also shared with me another product that I have since checked into today called Scapple ($14.99). It looks like a tangible hybrid of what goes on in a writers mind. You add your ideas to a board that you can drop and drag to Scrivener. You can read more about it at Goodreads. Even though I DO have the latest version of Microsoft Word I find it lacking in many areas.  I hate switching back and forth for my notes on a project, I can’t really break it up unless I create a whole new document but the truth is I am comfortable with it.  I know it and I like to think it knows me 🙂 we spend an awful lot of time together!  I can’t even figure out how to group my blog posts together by topic so my computer skills are lacking somewhat and I am afraid if I get Scrivener or Scapple I would botch it up because I am not tech savvy. 

I am still on my quest to find something easier and when I make my decsion I will post it on here. 


Do you have thoughts on different programs AND what do you use? 



Anyway, if you are a writer I hope this helps with which platform best suits your needs.  If you have suggestions please share!

Looking for Inspiration to finish that book? Look To Hugh Howey…


I have been looking for creative ways to find motivation to finish a few projects I have been writing. These are large projects that I have put a lot of time into. My problem seems to be that every time I start in on a project some problem arises. Well, NO MORE I SAY! I will finish what I started. I was looking through YouTube videos yesterday for successful self-publishers and came across an interview done by Tom Corson-Knowles. He was interviewing Hugh Howey. For you writers that don’t know who he is I have to ask if that rock is heavy you live under? He is a successful Best Selling Self-Published Author of the Wool series. Whether you liked the book or not you have to give him credit for this feat. In today’s eBook world his 58 page book about a post-apocalyptic silo community hit Amazon like an atomic bomb. You can find the Kindle version Free on Amazon . If this interview doesn’t inspire you to get your finger’s clicking on the keyboard I am not sure what will! It is a long interview so sit back, grab some coffee, and take notes.