Monthly Archives: April 2014

When you think it’s the other person that needs to change- It just may be you…


Yellow love

 I’m not saying that the other person may not have their personality quirks, that quirk you the wrong way. What I am saying is that maybe instead of getting aggravated with your husband, wife or kids for the tone they use with you maybe you should check your tone. If you want change, start with the one thing you can change, the easiest thing to change, the most beneficial thing to change- Y O U. It is the most beneficial because when others see a change in you they will usually reciprocate your attitude back to you. Now this may not happen overnight but it will eventually be noticed and you may just change the whole temperament in the home by changing your temperament. Pick your battles carefully and remember that not everything has to come to WWIII.


A great resource for married couples is a book written by Dr. Larry Crabb:    Focus on the Family

Love , Marriage, and what Respect looks like…


Husbands & Wives, I heard a message this Thursday morning in the car (podcast 4/24/14) on the Focus on the Family broadcast and I think what this man has to say to wives, what Respect looks like to our husbands, and HOW important Respect is to our marriages was great. If you have a half an hour I recommend listening- you won’t regret it. ♡ If you know a couple that could use some encouragement feel free to share it with them.

Focus On The Family Podcast 2/24/14

A Balloon Artist and Life’s Great Artist


If you haven’t yet found this blog by my dear friend Anita, please check it out and follow her. She has a gift to bring everyday stories full circle with a biblical message.


Last June our family had the opportunity to travel to Orlando for vacation. My parents, my sister and her family, and my own family were able to all go together to share the Disney experience. Surprisingly losing my dad just eight short months later it is a trip that has come to have such significant memories. One evening we had diner outside of the Disney parks. This particular restaurant happened to have a young college aged girl that was making balloon animals for children for tips. She made four wonderful balloons for my niece, nephew, and two daughters. My father tipped her well for all of the balloons and both my husband and brother-in-law threw in a tip. She did very well at our table that evening. Her talent became very inspirational to two of the young eyes that watched her turn the deflated balloons into wonderful inflated creations.   My…

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